Course Concept

We follow a practical teaching approach: In our course concept we encourage you to speak from the very beginning – in the classroom and outside.

-> Our group courses are limited to 7 students maximum per group. The small group size gives our students plenty of opportunities to practice speaking in class.

-> On our “salídas pedagógicas” we take you to stores, schools, museums, markets, the beach, or to restaurants. During these field trips you can practice your newly acquired knowledge from class among the locals, still within your comfort zone under the guidance of your teacher. You will see: you will easily get a feel for the language and for the culture.

-> In the private classes, the teacher meets your linguistic, personal, and professional conditions and interests. Together with you, we create the program that serves you best.

Because our key concern is to get you to speak and feel confident about it.

Teaching Method and Course Concept

Our approach focuses on immersive Spanish learning. The teaching language is Spanish which enables the students to quickly immerse in the new language. In our customized classes we use specifically designed teaching materials to help the students improve their language proficiency.

The grammatical basis of the concept we teach is the Standard Spanish (Castellano).

The linguistic differences to the Spanish spoken in Latin-America are pointed out during the course as well as the linguistic, semantics and the cultural implications of the local “Dominicanismos” (Dominican expressions).

Our concept distinguishes between the following four basic language levels:

-> Beginner (no Spanish knowledge)
-> Elementary (A1 and A2)
-> Intermediate (B1 and B2)
-> Advanced (C1 and C2)

We follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Placement test and Certificate

To identify the correct level of each individual student, we implemented a two-level assessment:

  1. All new students who have already some Spanish knowledge are asked to take a placement test prior to their course start. The test contains questions on various difficulty levels and takes 60 minutes maximum.
  2. In an informal oral assessment during the first class session then, the students show more about their listening and conversational proficiency.

Course end: Upon successful completion of the course the students receive a certificate of participation.

Academic Credits and Bildungsurlaub

IIC’s intensive Spanish courses are accredited for university credits through Seton Hill University, Pennsylvania (US)

In Germany, our one- and two-week Spanish intensive courses are recognized as Bildungsurlaub (Accredited Language Study Abroad for Professionals).

Idealists with Academic Background

Our teachers are native speakers who are passionate about teaching. In addition to being academically qualified, they have long-year experience in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

They are not only expected to demonstrate high standard teaching skills, but to also be capable of empathizing with the students in order to motivate them. They are competent advisers also after class on everyday questions about Dominican life and culture.