… and where does it go? All around MONEY in the Dominican Republic. Our topic of the month.
- which sectors drive Dominican economy:
(en español sobre el aumento de las remesas)
https://eldinero.com.do/223746/remesas-suman-us1566-3-millones-entre-enero-y-febrero-de-2023/ - how the DR became a role model for sustainable growth after the pandemic:
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/dominican-republic-from-innovating-in-crisis-to-accelerating-sustainable-and-inclusive-growth/ - why, despite the country’s economic growth, the poverty rate reached almost 25% in 2023:
https://www.instagram.com/p/CCsAmXfIH76/?hl=en - and why the country shows the highest level of income inequality in Latin America:
Dominicanismos around MONEY
There are plenty of expressions, sayings and words in Dominican Spanish for money. Or for not having it, like:
Read more about Spanish expressions in the Dominican Republic for MONEY:
and from around the world in this blog post from fluentu.
If you like to learn Spanish and know more about the Dominican Culture, feel welcome to contact us.
We would be happy to help you find the course that suits you best.
Drop us a line by email info@iic-spanish.com or Whatsapp +1.849.630.1052 or contact us directly by phone.
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